Kazakhstan: Commercial Driver Education and Safety

GlobalJax hosted a delegation from Kazakhstan to examine best practices in transportation and driver safety. The program reviewed the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration regulations and ways to provide safety oversight of commercial motor vehicles. Participants met with Florida Department of Transportation, Florida Department Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, and Florida Highway Patrol to discuss research on development and improvement of Florida’s roads, highways safety planning and regulations, and commercial vehicle driving licenses. The program explored ways federal, state, and local agencies, the motor carrier industry, and other safety groups reduce vehicle crashes, consider driver safety, and improve the transportation system. The delegation will bring these trainings about commercial driver education and safety back to Kazakhstan.
Currently, Kazakhstan has been focusing on a highway building initiative across the country called the “New Silk Road.” This infrastructure project will expand through Central Asia and the Caucasus and will reduce the costs of goods transported from China to Europe. This vision will transform Kazakhstan’s economy and stability, and promote relations and trade between Asia and Europe. Another part to the project is a new railway system to deliver goods from China through Central Asia to Europe. By 2020, Kazakhstan plans to invest $20 billion in its transportation industry. This delegation will implement the best practices learned about driver education and safety to Kazakhstan’s initiative.
Sources: Kazakhembus
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