Expanding Disability Services: A Project for Afghanistan

June 1-6, 2017
About the Delegation
This project is designed for members of government, business and nonprofit organizations.
The goals include increasing the capacity of advocates for persons with disabilities through raising community awareness, securing funding, and improving legislative advocacy; addressing legal, social, economic, educational, and community initiatives that protect the rights of persons with disabilities and afford them social inclusion and equal educational and economic opportunities; and providing a first-hand understanding of initiatives to: ensure equal rights and opportunities to people with disabilities; provide reasonable accommodations; and dispel common stereotypes about limitations of people with disabilities.
About the International Leadership Program
The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs fosters mutual understanding between the United States and other countries through international educational, professional and cultural exchanges. The Bureau promotes personal, professional and institutional ties between private citizens and organizations in the United States and abroad, and presents U.S. history, society, art and culture in all of its diversity to overseas audiences.
The Office of International Visitors manages and funds the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP). Launched in 1940, the IVLP seeks to build mutual understanding between the United States and other nations through carefully designed professional visits to the United States for current and emerging foreign leaders. These visits reflect the visitors’ professional interests and support the foreign policy goals of the U.S. government. Each year over 4,500 IVLP participants from all over the world are selected by U.S. embassies to travel to the United States to meet and confer with their professional counterparts. Through these encounters, they gain a greater understanding of the cultural and political influences in U.S. society and enjoy a firsthand experience of the United States, its people and its culture. Visitors represent government, politics, the media, education, nongovernmental organizations, the arts, public health, international security, business and trade, and other fields. Over 320 current and former heads of government and state and many other distinguished world leaders in the public and private sectors have participated in the International Visitor Leadership Program.
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