The Key to Enduring Change

"The key to enduring change is not mass numbers of people but the quality of relationships between unlikely people"
- John Paul Lederach
As a member or supporter of GlobalJax, the only nonprofit organization in the area working to build unlikely relationships with established and emerging leaders in over 180 countries and thousands of communities, you are the key to enduring change in our region and our world.
Not only has your giving had a collective impact of over $5 million on the local economy, you have been a part of a movement to create an enduring and positive change around the world.
That point was underscored by Fady Makshat, a former program participant from Egypt, who spoke at this year's Wines of the World: International Food and Wine Festival. During his presentation, he shared how your support of GlobalJax is helping rural Bedouin communities in the Sinai resist violent extremism and how an internship GlobalJax facilitated with JCCI, directly led to the first community vision conference in history among leaders there. Together, they set goals for their community’s development, including access to water, education, and job training.
I hope you will take this time, as you are preparing for the holiday season, to support GlobalJax by renewing or joining for the first time, giving the gift of membership to a friend or family member, or making an end of year tax-deductible donation.
As a thank you, everyone who contributes before the end of January will get a special invite to a donors’ only party happening in early-February. Details coming soon, but trust me, you won’t want to miss.
Once again, thank you for all you have already done to create lasting change through quality relationships. I look forward with you to all that 2017 will bring.
Andrea Hartley
GlobalJax Executive Director
PS: You can also support GlobalJax at no cost to you through Amazon Smile ALL YEAR LONG. There, you will find the same selection and prices you find at Amazon but a portion of your purchase price is donated to GlobalJax. Click here to shop and make sure to select GlobalJax as your charity of choice.